Diana Gumz


Diana Gumz was born on 08.09.1976 born in Perleberg and grew up on a farm. Both of her parents were incredibly creative and she was able to gain experience with artistic expression at an early age. However, therein lay her biggest challenge. Because when her parents separated and her father disappeared from her life, Art disappeared with him.

Diana Gumz wanted nothing more to do with any of this. Of course, she didn't quite succeed and she let her creativity shine here and there.
Always looking for a part of her, the artist ended up in a graffiti workshop on the old airport site in Kiel. From then on it was clear, what she needs to feel complete.

Diana Gumz then went on a studio trip to various artists and spent a whole weekend with them each and worked with them on their technique. She
was very close, could feel the energy of the people and she was able to collect an incredible number of impressions. That helped the artist, to find their own path in art.

Diana Gunz then studied art therapy, because she wanted to understand how colors work.
To fully engage with art again, also meant, to deal with my past. That hurt in many places. But it freed Diana Gumz and she was eventually able to realize, who she is, what matters, what belongs to it and what doesn't.
This realization was great at first and it keeps coming back, deal with their values, goals and visions. However
it means too, to make decisions. Because she realized, that many things in her life did not fit with her new insights.
The artist loves, what she does and she promised herself, to continue to be courageous and to keep going for yourself and your visions.

Exhibition & Art fairs (Selection):

Diana Gumz took part in numerous national and international exhibitions, u.a. in Germany, Italy, Spain, Monaco, Switzerland and USA.

The artist about his work:

“With my works I make a clear statement for the diversity in this life. I stand for authenticity and self-empowerment and express exactly that in my pictures. I make a statement with my works, challenge people, to recognize and live their potential, To question ways of thinking and leave old patterns behind.
This world is made of color. She is colorful. That's exactly what I express in my work. Lots of color, Changing structures and surfaces leave plenty of room for interpretation and reach their viewers: inside with their emotions. Each work always looks new from different angles. In this way, I ensure a change of perspective as soon as I look at it and thus pave the way, Find answers to your own questions. I mostly work on square formats, like big. All of my works are colorful.
Creating art is fulfillment for me.
Not always pretty, but authentic.
Not always harmonious, but honestly.
Always colorful!
Always me!
I choose every color, to tell a story. Every movement conveys a feeling, that I want to make visible. When both come together, the magic begins. I love this life. As an artist I have the opportunity, Things, feelings, The situation, Wishes …. to make visible. And so I show, that it's always worth it, to believe in a tomorrow with courage and hope”.