Ling Yundeng


Ling Yundeng was born in Guangdong, Graduated from Guangqing Art and Design Institute in 2021, Ling Yundeng was born in Guangdong, graduated from Guangqing Art and Design Institute in 2021, China in the millennium, and now lives and works in Guangzhou, China. Good at using contrasting colors, symbols with personal art. On the road of painting, he started to learn painting by himself from the age of 8. During the process of self-study and exploration of sketch painting at the age of 15 to 16, his early sketches were influenced by figurative realism, and he drew a series of sketches, which were widely used by various media on the Internet. focus on. In the same year, he began to study the art language of oil painting by himself. After 6 years of exploration of oil painting language, he experienced the precipitation of various styles. By the beginning of 2019, he was constantly practicing himself in life, constantly seeking changes and self-breakthroughs, and found his own creative direction. series”, full of expressive painting language logic, forming a unique artistic style. It not only expresses personal emotion, but also expresses the comprehension between people and trees in life. The works are rich in color, unique in style, skilled in painting skills and pictures showing inner feelings. “Tree Series”, “Abstract Life” series, “Mother and Child”, “Scream”, “My Own Asteroid”, “Flying Immortal: The Soul of Freedom” and other works are one of the artist’s important series of works, which are the artist’s understanding of life, concern for nature and life.

Exhibitions & Art Fairs:

ASEAN Plus Six Culture and Art Center Art Exhibition (Creation Season 1)”, ASEAN Culture and Art Exchange Center, Xiamen, China, 2019

“Qianjiang International Art Museum Biennale Online Exhibition”, Hangzhou, China, 2020

United Nations × Tencent “Insight into the Future: I Spoke for Digital Rights”, Shenzhen, China, 2020

“Graduation Song-2021 Summer Exhibition”, 798 Fangyuan Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2021

“Mankway Art Charity Auction×eBay”, UK, 2021

  “Idea! The 2nd Young Artists Club Group Exhibition”, Xu Liaoyuan Museum of Contemporary Art, Chengdu, China, 2022

“On Boarding Art Stars’ First Flight Graduation Exhibition”, TX Huaihai Youth Center BIP.GALLERY, Shanghai, China, 2022

“NTU Global Digital Art Biennial Award”, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2022

  “Traveler Project”, Xusheng Art Museum, Shenzhen, 2023

Art Central Hongkong, Gallery Makowski, Hongkong 2024.